In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

In Case You Needed More Reasons To Hate Will Saletan

Check out where he jumps in to defend Roman Polanski. In typical Saletan fashion, Saletan doesn’t think about women or girls as real people with real experiences, no, they’re theoretical ladies whose realities can be flexed like so much intellectual muscle.

His argument:

1) Polanski’s sentence today is going to be more harsh than the one he’d receive in the sexually permissive 70’s, which is plainly unfair.

2) She took drugs, so she practically asked for it.

3) “Everyone wants to f— young girls!” i.e. There’s a difference between being a “pedophile-pedophile” and just a regular ol’ pedophile.

And finally,

4) Because the victim likely reached menarche before the assault, she was sexually mature enough to be assaulted without it being too creepy.

I mean, not creepy like an adult man’s intense interest in the menstrual cycles of children to justify the rape of said children. Or, say, a consistent defense in favor of the violation of women’s bodies.

See Also: Saletan and Polanski

Governor Schwarzenegger Creates Harvey Milk Day While Rejecting Trans Rights

You may have heard that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed into law a bill that will create a Harvey Milk Day, honoring the slain gay politician and icon. It’s the first time that any LGBT person has been honored in such a way, so obviously people are excited about the symbolism.

What has been receiving some blog coverage but little mainstream media attention, however, is the fact that at the same time Schwarzenegger signed this bill, he vetoed a couple of others — one which would have made it easier for transgender people born in California to correct their birth certificates to the proper gender and name, and another which would have helped to combat sexual violence against LGBT prisoners.

With regards to the former, a birth certificate is probably the most important piece of identification that any of us have. While it’s not used on a daily basis, it’s often the document on which our other pieces of identification are based, though most of us who are cis have the privilege and luxury of not thinking about it. When a trans person’s identification does not match their identity, it sets them up for being outed against their will — and subsequently creates a large risk of them being accused of fraud, harassed, denied basic services and care, and/or violently attacked. The bill would have made the difficult process of correcting the document just a tiny bit easier — and by the way, wouldn’t have cost taxpayers anything.

The latter piece of vetoed legislation, Schwarzenegger called “unnecessary.” But unnecessary to whom? It’s really rather well known that LGBT prisoners face hugely disproportionate sexual violence in prisons, a place where rape already runs rampant. This is especially so for cis gay and bisexual men, who are regularly targeted for prison rape, and for trans women, who are often placed wrongly in men’s prisons and thus put at extreme risk for sexual violence from cis inmates. The only way the governor does not know this is if he’s willfully ignorant on matters over which he’s supposed to be governing. And so to say that it’s unnecessary for sexual orientation and gender identity to be taken into account when deciding how to safely house prisoners is outrageously callous, and a massive slap across the face to those LGBT inmates who have been or will be sexually assaulted by assailants targeting them for their identities.

I’d also say that it’s an additional slap that he chose to veto these two pieces of legislation on the same day that he signed the bill creating Harvey Milk Day. Yes, it’s true that he also signed two important pieces of legislation — one recognizing out-of-state same-sex marriages in California, and one increasing resources for LGBT victims of domestic violence. And I also fully support a Harvey Milk Day. But signing that bill while rejecting these others, and especially at the same time, seems a pretty clear message that Schwarzenegger values symbolism over substantial change. One bill might possibly change the curriculum in certain classrooms for a single day each year, and the others would have helped to remove some of the most marginalized people that day is supposed to honor from particularly dangerous situations. There has been a clear designation of priorities, here — and it has apparently been decided, horrifically if not surprisingly, that the particularly vulnerable groups of LGBT prisoners and transgender people in general don’t really count.

I honestly don’t know enough about Harvey Milk to say with certainty, but from what I do know, I’d at least like to think that he’d be deeply offended. And regardless of what he would have thought, disgust and outrage are clearly in order from the rest of us.

For more, see Monica at Transgriot.

Feministe has been hacked, but please bear with us

Thanks to the readers who have alerted us to the fact that our header has a bunch of spam links in it. We apologize for the ongoing problems, and we’re working on resolving them. If you see other issues, always feel free to email us at feministe-at-gmail-dot-com.

“The Voice of the New Castrati”

Senator Olympia Snowe, a Republican from Maine, announced that she shares the goal of passing health care reform — not super shocking, considering that the majority of Americans want some sort of reform, and I’m guessing that Snowe’s constituents are among them. Right-wing radio dudes, though, are flipping out, and launching predictably sexist attacks on Snowe. At least they’re somewhat entertaining. From Media Matters:

Jim Quinn: “Stupid Girl” by Garbage “probably fits pretty well.” Quinn stated on his radio show, “Actually, this is a music bed from the song by Garbage called ‘Stupid Girl.’ I didn’t plan it this way, but I’m thinking after Olympia Snowe’s vote yesterday, it probably fits pretty well. Well, don’t give up quite yet on Olympia, because there’s a long, long way to go here, folks, and you need to be very, very vocal. We are doing exactly the opposite of what we should be doing.” [Clear Channel’s The War Room with Quinn and Rose, 10/14/09]

Savage dubs Snowe “Jezebel.” After airing a clip of Snowe discussing her vote, Savage played a portion of the song “Jezebel” by Frankie Laine that included the lyrics, “If ever the devil was born without a pair of horns, it was you. Jezebel, it was you.” Savage added, “Jezebel is Olympia Snowe. Of course she has thrown over with the turncoats who have stabbed America in the back, dragging us into a socialized medical system against the will of the majority of the American people.” [Talk Radio Network’s The Savage Nation, 10/13/09]

Limbaugh: The “voice of the new castrati, those who have lost all manhood, gonads, guts, and courage” applaud Snowe for health care reform support. Anticipating that Snowe was “going to vote yes” on the Finance Committee’s health care reform bill, Limbaugh attacked Snowe by praising the “bipartisanship” of the bill using “the voice of the new castrati.” Limbaugh described the “new castrati” as “those who have lost all manhood, gonads, guts, and courage throughout our culture and our political system.” Limbaugh has previously described the “new castrati” as supporters of Hillary Clinton. [Premiere Radio Networks’ The Rush Limbaugh Show, 10/13/09]

Limbaugh on Snowe and Collins: “Women, damn it.” Limbaugh stated on his radio program of Collins: “The second Republican senator signaled yesterday — actually today — that she is open to voting for a sweeping health care bill this year, putting Obama closer to an historic achievement that has eluded generations of Democrat leaders. It is none other than — wait for it — Susan Collins of Maine. Who would have thought this? Dare I say, ‘Women, damn it.’ We have 35 seconds to bleep that comment. I’m going to poll the staff” [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 10/14/09]. Limbaugh’s website also highlights his statement with the headline, “Women! Collins Likely to Joine Snowe in Support of Obamacare,” posted above a transcript of his comments.

Save the Date: Love Your Body Bash Oct. 28

National Organization for Women-NYC’s Annual Love Your Body Day Bash- October 28, 2009


Love Your Body Day encourages every woman and girl to embrace her own body on her own terms-not the terms set out by society or the media. Join our celebration of healthy body, mind, sex and soul, and support the critical work of NOW-NYC & the Service Fund of NOW-NYC.

*Mara Altman reads from her hilarious and honest new book Thanks for Coming-One Young Woman’s Quest for an Orgasm. A former staff writer for the Village Voice, she has written for New York Magazine and the New York Times. She is currently an adjunct faculty at Columbia University’s Journalism School.

*Judith Steinhart, sexpert, host of Sexuali-Teas and creator of Hey Jud, answers your anonymous, most personal questions about sex with frankness and humor. Also known as a Clinical Sexologist, Judith Steinhart, EdD, has answered questions about sex for Go Ask Alice!, which she co-created, and for thousands of college students and adults for over 25 years. She believes that knowledge is power.

*Filmakers Kimberly M. Wetherell & Amy Axelson join us in our screening room to show their short documentary, Why We Wax, a hilarious look at modern culture’s obsession with hair removal. With a light touch, through countless interviews with women and men, gay and straight, professional and pornographic , Why We Wax explores the history, fashion, function and not-strictly-feminine fascination with maintaining the hair… “down there.”

*free hors d’oeuvres, wine & spirits, raffle entry, and special giveaways. Check out our website,, for tickets and more information. Tickets start at $35. Event will be held at In Good Company Loft Space 16 W 23rd Street.

Contraception use up, abortion down

Unsafe abortion still kills 70,000 women every year, almost exclusively in countries where the procedure is illegal. But as abortion laws liberalize around the world, the abortion rate has actually decreased. Why? More women have access to contraception.

Guttmacher estimated previously that the number of abortions worldwide fell from 45.5 million in 1995 to 41.6 million in 2003 — the latest year for which global figures were available.

A key reason for that drop, the new report said, was that the portion of married women using contraception increased from 54 percent in 1990 to 63 percent in 2003 as availability increased and social mores changed. Guttmacher’s researchers said contraceptive use had increased in every major region, but still lagged badly in Africa — used by only 28 percent of married women there, compared with at least 68 percent in other major regions.

The report notes that abortions worldwide are declining even as more countries liberalize their abortion laws. Since 1997, it said, only three countries — Poland, Nicaragua and El Salvador — substantially increased restrictions on abortion, while laws were eased significantly in 19 countries and regions, including Cambodia, Nepal and Mexico City.

While it’s good news that contraception use is up and therefore the abortion rate is down, forty percent of the world’s women still live in places where abortion is highly restricted. According to the Guttmacher survey that spawned this article, 92 percent of African women and 97 percent of Latin American women live under severely restricted abortion laws. The results are devastating:

Unsafe abortion causes an estimated 70,000 deaths each year, and an additional five million women are treated annually for complications resulting from unsafe abortion. Approximately three million women who experience serious complications from unsafe procedures go untreated.

Besides the horrific human cost, illegal abortion is also a public health crisis and a major expense.

We know that illegal abortion kills women. We know that contraception and sexual health education are the best tools out there to decrease the unintended pregnancy rate. So why aren’t “pro-lifers” out there on the front lines promoting birth control access?

The Hottest Heads of State

A few thoughts:

1. Sorry, Belarus, but you don’t deserve to be that high up on the list. I’d say same goes for Putin, but he’s wearing that awesome tank-top, so, even.
2. Xanana Gusmao, where have you been all my life?
3. Mohammed VI was robbed.