In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Why I Hate Filling Out Forms

I hate it, every single time.  Name, sorted.  Then…  clunk.  Sex – M or F.  Sod.

It seems like an easy question, right?  For most people it is.  For me, it should be an easy question.  I live and identify unequivocally as female.   I’m not a genderqueer person for whom the very either/or question is wrong.  So why the rising sense of panic?

The problem is this, my birth certificate says I am male, my gender presentation is female.  They do not match.  Until I can afford expensive genital surgery, I cannot change the marker on my birth certificate.  No matter what I put, in a cissexist world, I am situated as a liar.


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