In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Yet again, “pro-lifers” promote deadly policies

This guy has more influence on American international health policy than do the lives of African women.

“Pro-life” activists are angry at people they call “pro-aborts” — because progressive politicians want reality-based HIV/AIDS prevention strategies in Africa. The strategies being promoted have nothing to do with abortion, but that doesn’t matter — yelling “abortion” is a convenient way for anti-choicers to distract from the fact that their “pro-life” policies are killing people.

President Bush returns from Africa, where he justifiably touted the success of his AIDS relief initiative, to face a battle with Congress over that laudable program. Bush wants to nearly double funding, to $30 billion over the next five years, for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; the House wants to spend $50 billion and expand the program to fight malaria and tuberculosis. But that $20-billion dispute probably won’t generate as much heat as the provision in the bill, written by the late Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Burlingame), killing the requirement that one-third of all funds spent on AIDS prevention go to programs that promote abstinence until marriage. The State Department and some House Republicans oppose the bill, which is now spearheaded by Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-Valley Village) and is slated to be considered by a House committee next week.

The religious right has begun whipping up the hysteria, calling the Lantos bill the “Pro-Aborts Emergency Plan for Abstinence Reduction.” In fact, the bill would do nothing to alter the long-standing ban on U.S. funding for abortion. What it would do is increase the availability of contraception for poor African women — and that is desperately overdue.

Nothing about abortion. Nothing about reducing abstinence. The plan is about recognizing that abstinence isn’t a cure-all when millions of women die after contracting HIV from their husbands (pdf) and when women lack the power to negotiate sexual and marital relationships.

Conservative “pro-lifers” aren’t stupid; they know that these are the facts on the ground. But because reality conflicts with their ideology, they ignore it, even at great human expense. We say this all the time on this blog, but it’s worth repeating: Political “pro-life” groups do not care about life. They are more than satisfied letting millions of people die, so long as they can keep promoting their dogma.

Religious groups are fixated on the need to stop HIV transmission through premarital and extramarital sex, but what’s killing African women by the millions is unprotected sex with their husbands. Yet the United States spends more on promoting abstinence and fidelity programs ($198 million in fiscal 2007) than on promoting condom use ($147 million in 2007). Roughly 10 million African girls under the age of 18 are married each year, many to older men who seek HIV-free brides. To those wedded to HIV-positive men, marriage often means a death sentence. They have little power to control their husbands’ condom use or extramarital behavior; they are more likely than young men to contract HIV; and those who know they’re infected and do not want to bear children often have no access to contraception.

Have I mentioned that not a single “pro-life” group in the United States favors contraception access? And that the anti-contraception, anti-condom movement in Africa has been almost entirely created by American anti-choice organizations, effectively ushering in the preventable deaths of millions of African women, men and children?

By providing life-saving drugs to HIV-positive pregnant women, the president’s program claims to have prevented 157,000 infants from becoming infected. This is a huge accomplishment. What the U.S. funding hasn’t done is reduce unwanted pregnancies. In a clinic in Uganda where pregnant HIV-positive women were receiving anti-retroviral treatment, 93% reported that their pregnancies were unintended. It’s no surprise that many HIV-positive women do not wish to bear children whom they might infect with the virus or leave orphaned. It’s cruel to deny contraception to such poor and sick women should they desire it. And as a public health matter, it’s far cheaper to prevent unwanted pregnancies than to prevent mother-child HIV transmission. Yet U.S. funding for family planning has flat-lined.

Although some U.S. religious conservatives find contraception objectionable, most Americans do not. Congress should take note and expand funding for family-planning programs to help the HIV-positive girls and women.

Let’s hope a new administration will bring some real help to women, men and children here and abroad.

Friday Reading

march for life

I get to the spend the day learning about professional responsibility in MPRE exam prep class (yay!), but you should spend your afternoon perusing AlterNet’s Repro Justice and Gender section (and have I mentioned that you should sign up for the newsletter in the upper-right-hand corner of the page?). There’s lots of good stuff up this week. My two favorites today are The War on African Women by Ann Jones, a reporter who writes an incredible piece on the ongoing gendered effects of West African civil wars; and Uncovering the Racism of Population Politics by Priscilla Huang, which details the ways in which racism, natalism, sexism and the anti-immigrant movement all intersect. Check ’em out.

High Heels Are Good For You

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So says one researcher. The reasoning? Women who wear heels have less electrical activity in their pelvic region, which is apparently a good thing. She studied a whopping 66 women, and made the jump from “heel height/pelvic electricity correlation” to “high heels are good for women.” They’re also good at causing corns, calluses, hammertoes, arthritis, chronic knee pain, sprained ankles and back problems.

On a related note, I was chatting with my waxer today and she mentioned that three of her clients before me had broken ankles and/or feet — two of the three from wearing heels.

And before anyone jumps on me, I’m not hating on your heels. I wear them too, and I love them. But there’s no need to try to turn everything we like into something that’s “good for you” if it’s pretty definitively not.

Newsflash: People are idiots.

Yes, it is 2008 and this actually happened.

An Ontario judge is at the centre of a misconduct investigation after insisting a witness who is HIV-positive and has Hepatitis C don a mask while testifying in his courtroom.

Three groups have complained to the Ontario Judicial Council about the conduct of Barrie judge Justice Jon-Jo Douglas, who later moved the case to a bigger courtroom in order to create more distance between the witness and the bench.

I think individuals this dumb should not be allowed to be judges. Sweet Jesus.

Does Duke have a required first-year writing course? Because they really should.

Or if they do, I hope this guy failed it, and was also drop-kicked by his professor. He’s a par for the course fuckwit college columnist for sure, but I’m having a hard time even getting the point of his fuckwittery because he’s such a bad writer. For example:

In his music video “Tip Drill,” Nelly uses a credit card to demonstrate the act of a man scraping his penis on a woman’s butt crack. And some time ago, “Sex in the City” featured a jogger who has a fetish of putting his tongue on that same general region.

Indeed, the condom is no longer a barrier but an enabler-freely dispensed for “health” reasons. Duke’s “Healthy Devils” brandish them on the Plaza because apparently the group thinks that the only reason to avoid something sexual is to avoid something that is physically “unhealthy.”

Which is, well… I’m just confused.

He continues:

And, it is often said these days that each of us must express an “inner identity” or a “true self” through conscious action to be unique. Accordingly, people declare that the quest for sexual individuality justifies exposure to sex in its crudest forms.

As Duke’s LGBT Center Web site explains, “As an individual lets go of their heterosexual identity, they may experience a sense of isolation, of no longer fitting into the heterosexual world around them.” It adds, “The more comfortable you feel in college, the better you will do, and the more enjoyable your college years will be.”

I found this unsurprising.

From there it goes into a bizarre rant against bisexuality.

The public obsession with identity has forced the bisexual to act on his or her urges. As in heterosexuals, this is a form of deviancy because lust threatens sex’s role in entering relationships of love.

The bisexual, to conform to the public identity, must express urges for both sexes. Yet some things are in fact best left unexplored.

Perhaps the bisexual should consider reverting to heterosexuality with the understanding that sexual expression is slavishness to the ideology of identity rather than something truly beneficial.

It is important to understand that the bisexual identity is a creation of people intent on supporting the discussion of identity, not encouraging love. Suppressing urges out of shame and decency facilitates love; expressing desires for the sake of identity does not.

I do not expect many to agree with me. I only point out the situation in the hopes of showing to a few of our more prude peers that their suppressions (whether voluntary or not) of sexual desires for both sexes are more healthy than the brazen applications of rubbers and jellies in the name of health, progress and identity could ever be.

I really hate to pull the “he’s homophobic because he’s secretly gay” card, but this guy really sounds like he has some, er, “identity” issues (to use his terminology). Unless I’m totally misunderstanding him, which, given his general ineptitude with the written word, may be the case. Does the Duke Chronicle not employ editors?

The comments, however, are hilarious.

Thanks to blue devil lurker for the link.

It has begun

I’ve noticed a certain uptick in scaremongering stories and racist drivel about Barack Obama coming out of the wingnut media machine since he started to gain enough momentum that it looks like it’s possible he’ll be on the ballot come November. And while the wingnuts still hate McCain, they’ll eventually get over it. What this uptick really says to me is that they’re gearing up for the day that they no longer have Hillary Clinton to kick around anymore.

Consider the wingnuttosphere a test lab for the mainstream media and its anti-Democrat bias. They try out all kinds of wacky theories to see what will grab the attention of the mainstream media and get pushed out there as fact. So far, they’ve focused mostly on their favorite target, Hillary Clinton, but as Obama gains momentum, they’re starting to hedge their bets and go after him. It’s slow right now, because that sweet, sweet Clinton-hating is a hard habit to break, but eventually they’ll have to give it up almost entirely, with only the occasional fix.

And when I saw that O RLY had magnanimously declined to lynch Michelle Obama over some comments of hers — for the moment — and that the Cornerites had put out the theory that Obama is the product of a secret breeding program of Communist Jewish women and black men (feel the moral panic! Black men with white women! Jewish intellectuals! Commieeeeees!), I knew it had started.

You thought the “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” and the madrassa things were the worst they had? They’re just getting warmed up.

Obama’s problem in the general election will be that, while he is beloved by the press, McCain is as well. He’s not going to be helped by them like he has been against Clinton, whom they hate. So these stories are going to get some traction via McCain-adoring members of the press.

Another question from a reader: Raising feminist daughters

Following up to the thread about discussing feminism with male partners:

How does a father teach his daughter about feminism?

I’m the father of a nearly five-year-old daughter, and I want to raise her to be fully aware of the misogyny around her and not be afraid to confront it and fight for herself. I know my role in this- I need to make sure that she is not afraid to question authority and that she is a critical and independent thinker. That’ll probably go most of the way, I hope. But are there any books that you guys can recommend that might start her thinking about her identity as a woman? Preferably sooner rather than later- I figure giving her The Feminine Mystique will work at thirteen, not so much at six.

I do feel a bit of urgency about this- we’re living in the most conservative county in Texas (well, might as well say the galaxy). I know that lecturing her about it just won’t work, especially as she confronts what I assume will be some pretty rampant misogyny in the school system down here. I’m looking for something that’ll get her questioning what’s happening around her on her own.

Suggestions? Advice?