In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Extremely Conflicted

…Or, the Jonathan Safran Foer open thread that ended up containing a review of the book we weren’t talking about. (This post contains Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close spoilers.)

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Tuesday Puppy Blogging – Double Dog edition

I’m back in Seattle for the holidays, which means I have a dog to blog about. And he is adorable. Even better: Our neighbors just got a golden retriever puppy, and he is BFF with my little guy Ferris. Tell me they are not the cutest things you’ve ever seen:

Coda and Ferris, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

More adorable pups below the fold. And for even more puppy pictures, see here.

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Tuesday Travel Blogging – Paris

My last trip of the semester was a post-finals five days in Paris with my best friend/NY room mate. We had a grand time, ate a lot or cheese, and drank lots of red wine. Paris is one of my favorite cities in the world, and it was gorgeous around Christmas time.

The full set of Paris photos is here. Enjoy:

Eiffel Tower at sunset, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

More of gay Paris below the fold.

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In which wayward eldest daughter gets caught

image description: a very pretty girl with an L.A. cap, a pierced nose, a black tank top, luminous hazel eyes, and lots of freckles, is looking straight at the camera. Behind her are various people on the Venice boardwalk, including a couple of women with a child in a stroller. This is Wayward Eldest Daughter Kat.

She calls me collect from jail, freaking out, saying, “now, mama! Get me out now! Get me out of here! NOW!”

Mind you, she is in Santa Monica. I am in Wisconsin.

In the almost three years I’ve been blogging Kat has taken on mythic stature, this oldest child of mine who spent her teenage years in a fury of slammed doors, bad behavior, and heart-ache. I often have to search just to find something good to say about her, some piece of goodness that allows me to sleep at night, like the way she once kept a job for three whole months, or the time she didn’t do any drugs for a whole week.

And so it goes. She’s under observation, detoxing in jail, calling collect, making promises, going into angry tangents, scared, withdrawing, not knowing what the fuck is going to happen to her next.

She’ll see the judge on Thursday. She’s a cute girl who looks pitiful when she cries–that might still work in her favor.

My new year’s resolution: keep being honest about how truly weird life gets. And if she gets out, and you’re ever on the boardwalk in Venice, or at the drum circle, or by the graffiti wall, and you see her, tell her that her mama loves her. And the rest is up to her.


This year I’ll celebrate 3 years of blogging.

I ended 2007 laughing my ass off with Ashanti, both of us playing World of Warcraft and chasing some guy making choo choo train noises at him til he ran away.

I started 2007 in the hospital. I thought that was an omen, and at first it looked that way.

I lost Matthew, the son of my heart. Kat went to Venice and came home. Kat went in the hospital and came home. Kat went back to Venice again and came home again. Kat went back to Venice once again and has ended her tumultuous year in jail.

I became mobile, via my fiery red scooter. I left the Milwaukee hood and all its 13 years of memories to start all over again in this strange city to the north.

I met amazing women. I read some amazing things. I learned some hard lessons. I smoked a lot of weed and too many cigarettes. I stopped taking vicodin. I started blogging at feministe, and I still don’t know why, of all the unbelievably talented voices out there, they chose mine.

And now I’m going to bed. Good night, sweet dreams, and a better year ahead.

*crossposted at superbabymama