In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

“Moisture White”

I was buying lotion at The Body Shop the other day and was taken aback by a display of “moisture white” skincare products. They don’t seem to be advertising it as skin-whitening cream, but it does claim to “brighten” skin — and, come on, the name is moisture white.

Am I over-reacting?

More presidential elections

India’s presidential elections are a couple of weeks away (on the 18th of this month), and a woman, Pratibha Patel, is contesting. This is, of course far less interesting than the U.S presidential elections and Hilary Clinton, since the Indian president a) isn’t elected by the public and b) has very little power to do anything anyway. Our current president has spent much of his time writing execrable poetry and motivational texts.

Since they don’t actually have much of a role to play, the choice of president is often an exercise in tokenism. We have had presidents from minority/disempowered castes, religions, etc before, and though they have been quite good ones, one suspects that their real function was to prove what an equal society we are. I have heard people say smugly of India that the fact that we have a Muslim president, a Sikh Prime Minister and Christian power-behind-the-prime minister proves that we are a diverse and egalitarian country (it also gives the Hindu right wing something to feel oppressed about) regardless of what normal Sikhs, Muslims and women may experience in day-to-day, nonpolitical life.*

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Recapin’ Your Ass

I’ve been really bad about doing this weekly re-cap thing. Lo siento. Last night I put together three weeks work of recap links, then accidentally navigated off the page and it all disappeared. Sadly I don’t have the time to do that all over again, so I’m going to just recap this week, and promise to be better about this in the future. So, for the week of June 25th – July 1st:

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All your wildest dreams have come true.

You asked for it, and you got it: I’m opening a thread on male circumcision. This is that thread.

If you want to talk about female genital mutilation without discussing male circumcision, that thread is here. If you want to talk about the validity of comparing FGM with male circumcision, that thread is here. This thread is for boy-parts. If we could stay on topic, that would be lovely.

Project Guest Blogger – Week Six

A big thanks to One Brown Woman for her fabulous guest-blogging stint this week. Starting tomorrow we have the lovely Belledame and Aishwarya joining us. Belledame regularly blogs at Fetch Me My Axe where, in addition to great feminist commentary, she engages her passions for ruminating, speculating, pontificating, luxuriating, eviscerating. And cheese. Aishwarya, a literature student who lives in New Delhi, regularly blogs at Kaleidoglide.

I’m looking forward to another great week!