In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


I’m leaving for Greece in about 5 minutes, and will probably be MIA from the blog for the next day or two. Zuzu and piny will hold down the fort, and hopefully I’ll have decent internet access where I’m living. And worry not, I will post dozens of pictures. Bye!

Unequal Protection in California

We all know that jails are overcrowded (thanks, punitive drug laws!). From there, we can probably guess that those in charge of jails are having to make tough decisions about who serves all of their time and who gets out early. Now, it seems to me that non-violent offenders should be the ones serving the lightest sentences, with violent offenders and people whose crimes have victims serving the longest. What shouldn’t be taken into account? Race. Gender. Membership in a particular class. Religion. Etc.

That, however, is not how it works in Los Angeles County.

Under its policy of selectively releasing criminals to ease jail overcrowding, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has routinely forced women, prostitutes arrested in Compton and certain gang members to serve more time than others convicted of identical crimes.

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“Traditional Values” in Russia

Focus on the Family would be proud.

Riot police broke up an attempt by gays and lesbians to stage Moscow’s first gay pride parade Saturday. Gay activists who attempted to lay flowers near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier outside the Kremlin wall and then assemble across from city hall were heckled and assaulted by skinheads, Orthodox Christians and radical nationalists.

Police said they had arrested about 120 people, both supporters and opponents of the parade. Gay activists were dragged away by riot police when they began speaking to reporters, but opponents of the parade, including a nationalist member of parliament, were allowed to speak and chant, “Moscow is not Sodom.”

It’s apparently not a bastion of free speech, either. But it sure does cater to those values voters.

The city had banned the parade on the grounds that it was anathema to the values of most residents and therefore presented a threat of violence. A city court upheld the ban Friday.

Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said in a radio interview Friday that a gay parade “may be acceptable for some kind of progressive, in some sense, countries in the West, but it is absolutely unacceptable for Moscow, for Russia.”

He added: “As long as I am mayor, we will not permit these parades to be conducted.”

Breaking: Women Build Stuff

Well if this isn’t a telling headline:

Women Knock Down ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Wall
As more single women become homeowners, they are empowering themselves with power tools. Hardware stores have come courting.

Note the use of “single women.” Because married women apparently have someone to do it for them.

The lead:

Catherine Reynolds makes needlepoint pillows and a mean cherry pie. She can also gut a kitchen, knock out a wall and build a patio.

“Some projects are difficult,” the 38-year-old schoolteacher said, “but it’s not rocket science.”

This is funny, see, because this lady makes cherry pie and does needlepoint, meaning that she’s “feminine,” and it’s totally unfeminine to knock down walls and build things, and yet she’s doing it anyway. Now there’s a cover story if I’ve ever seen one.

Reynolds — who is remodeling her fourth home — and other women are strapping on tool belts, plugging in power saws and tackling projects head-on. It’s not just because men are bonding with their Barcaloungers. In many American homes, the man of the house doesn’t exist.

More breaking news: Many women are single.

Unmarried women bought 21% of all homes sold last year, or 1.76 million properties, according to the National Assn. of Realtors. That’s up from 14% a decade ago. (Single men, by comparison, accounted for 9% of the market last year.)

Ok, I’ll give it to them here. This is really interesting.

It’s a noteworthy change, given that as recently as the early 1970s, it was tough for a single woman to secure a mortgage.

Let’s say it all together now: Thanks, feminism!

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Friday Not-So-Random Ten

It’s my last FRT in America until August 15th, but I’m bringing the laptop to Greece, so hopefully it won’t be the last FRT of the summer. And in celebration of the last USA-FRT for a while, I’m shaking things up a bit — that is, I’m making this not random at all. Instead, I’m turning it into ten songs that I could listen to over and over again and never get tired of. Because I feel like it.

1. Tom Waits – Old Shoes
2. Bob Dylan – Visions of Johanna
3. The Clash – Janie Jones
4. Pedro the Lion – Rapture
5. Elvis Costello – I Want You
6. Rolling Stones – Factory Girl
7. Magnetic Fields – Papa Was a Rodeo
8. Michael Jackson – PYT
9. Ray Lamontange – Please
10. Pearl Jam – Off He Goes

And now, packing.

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It Was Such a Perfect Way to Tie Fear of Terrorism With Fear of Being Alone. Too Bad We Have to Admit it Was Bullshit.

You might remember, or you might simply have heard, about that infamous Newsweek story 20 years ago that said that never-married women over 40 had a greater chance of dying in a terrorist attack than finding a husband. Susan Faludi debunked the story shortly after publication in a short piece that eventually grew into Backlash. Which you may have heard of as well.

Yet Newsweek never admitted its error. That is, until now. And man, they’re not happy about it.

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