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They Hate Us For Our Freedom

Conservatives, that is.

Check out this little gem from the Doubleday Web page for Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility For 9/11:

He argues that it is not our exercise of freedom that enrages our enemies, but our abuse of that freedom — from the sexual liberty of women to the support of gay marriage, birth control, and no-fault divorce, to the aggressive exportation of our vulgar, licentious popular culture.

This, frankly, is chilling. And the fact that this is a major publishing house putting this shit out and not some Scaife-funded wingnut welfare imprint like Regnery is doubly so.

Let’s think about this for a moment — this guy is actually arguing that women having sexual liberty and being able to control when they have children and how many is an abuse of freedom. And the same goes for support of gay marriage and no-fault divorce.

But what does it mean to “abuse” freedom? What is the difference in his mind between the exercise of freedom and the abuse of it? Is freedom something only straight men are entitled to? Because honestly, D’Souza’s statement here echoes Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson’s exchange shortly after 9/11:

JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I’ll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way – all of them who have tried to secularize America – I point the finger in their face and say “you helped this happen.”

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government. And so we’re responsible as a free society for what the top people do. And, the top people, of course, is the court system.

Make that “straight Christian men,” because the ACLU is often associated in the wingnut mind with Jews, particularly of the intellectual New York liberal sort.

I agree with Amanda that this drivel is as anti-American as it gets. The whole idea is that we’re a free society, and freedom is messy in that not everyone is going to do something you agree with. If their hatred and enmity is based on hating us for our freedom, and if we’re supposed to be all strong and resolute and fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here, aren’t we just capitulating to them if we restrict freedom in response to people who aren’t happy with our freedom? Shouldn’t we be giving them the finger and being even more free instead?

Well, not if your goal is to create a society every bit as fundamentalist and theocratic and reactionary as Wahhabiism. And we don’t call these folks the AmTaliban for nothin’.

Methinks the D’Souzas and the Falwells and the Robertsons are having a small problem with the concept of “freedom.” Here’s how Scott summarized the description of D’Souza’s book:

Shorter Dinesh D’Souza: “we must turn over the control of the state to Comrade Kass and make sure to reinstate the oppression of women, egregious double standards, and sexual puritanism we share with our fellow non-abusers of freedom in the Muslim world before they can impose it on us with their fearsome armies.”

These folks would love to return the country to some mythical time prior to the legalization of abortion, prior to the Pill, prior to no-fault divorce, prior to the Civil Rights movement, prior to Stonewall, and prior to the banning of prayer in schools. They usually imagine this as the 1950s, though their imaginary 1950s bears little or no resemblance to the actual 1950s, when women had sex outside marriage, they had abortions, and gays, lesbians and atheists very much existed. The real difference between then and now, as Mad Melancholic Feminista points out, is that back then, all of that stuff was kept quiet because of shame.

Shame. Shame about sex is what gave shape to the fantasies that we have of the 50s. It wasn’t that people didn’t have sex back then, rather it was that the shame of having others find out was powerful enough to drive you to get an abortion. You might perform it on yourself. You might kill yourself rather than have others find out that you had been having sex. Shame lead to untold numbers of deaths, and probably untold numbers of abortions.

Many pro-lifers believe that abortion rates will drop if you ban it. But, if you pay attention closely to the reality of the 50s–not the fantasy–you will realize that probably nothing is more likely to shoot up abortion rates and female suicide rates than prohibiting abortion, contraception and sex education. The fact is that our own times, which seem to be full of sexual dysfunction, are probably not a whole lot different than the 50s, except in one way: women don’t have to be as ashamed of themselves now. If you find yourself pregnant, you really do have the option of keeping the child, being a single mother, and continuing on in your community. You have that option because shame is no longer the single most important force directing your life.

And that loss of shame as a means of controlling those at the bottom of society — the women, the racial and religious minorities, the queers — drives people like D’Souza and Falwell and Robertson and Kass and Dobson absolutely batshit insane. And it makes them afraid, too — if the masses aren’t afraid of them, and aren’t buying into the shame that made it easy to control them in the past, they might just lose their place at the top of society. I mean, did anyone else see A Bug’s Life?

[Hopper has just drowned three dissenting grasshoppers in a pile of seeds]
Hopper: You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life! It’s not about food, it’s about keeping those ants in line. That’s why we’re going back! Does anybody else wanna stay?
[grasshoppers shocked – all the grasshoppers “rev up” their wings]
Molt: [motioning a fellow grasshopper] He’s quite the motivational speaker, isn’t he?
Hopper: Let’s ride!

I’ve written about the fear behind the idea that men should marry women who aren’t in any economic position to leave them. We’ve also covered the fear behind the wingnut opposition to birth control, abortion, gay rights, affirmative action and no-fault divorce – essentially, it’s the fear of the ants standing up and taking away all those unearned privileges.

No-fault divorce is a particularly interesting item in D’Souza’s litany, since at first glance it doesn’t really fit in well, what with the longstanding acceptance of divorce in Islam. But let’s look at that for a second. Divorce in Islamic countries that follow some version of sharia is in favor of the husband – Islamic law puts divorce in the power of the husband but not the wife (the husband can divorce the wife whenever he wants, but the wife must get the husband’s consent or the intercession of a judge). One of the things that women’s rights groups in Islamic countries have been working on is the reformation of the divorce laws so that women’s access to divorce is equal to that of men.

And that’s something that women’s rights activists here achieved for women, because while divorce was never quite so easy here as a simple declaration, for many, many years women in the US and in other Western countries were left in the same position after divorce that women in Islamic countries often are today. It was only after feminists fought for no-fault divorce and reformation of the custody and property-division laws that divorce became an “abuse of freedom.” I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that women now file the great majority of divorce petitions.

Note, also, that every last one of the groups and freedoms that these bedwetters blame for 9/11 have to do with individual rights and freedoms, not the actions of the government; if you framed it a different way, all the things they blame are “feminine” traits, while the stuff they ignore is the swaggering macho stuff. I know they don’t like to think that what the government does in the world pisses people off as much as lesbians getting married must, but c’mon.

35 thoughts on They Hate Us For Our Freedom

  1. Republicans are completely ignoring what OBL said in his October 29, 2004 video a few days before the election. Straight from the horse’s mouth:

    They don’t have our freedoms:

    Contrary to what [President George W.] Bush says and claims — that we hate freedom –let him tell us then, “Why did we not attack Sweden?” It is known that those who hate freedom don’t have souls with integrity, like the souls of those 19. May the mercy of God be upon them.

    We fought with you because we are free, and we don’t put up with transgressions. We want to reclaim our nation. As you spoil our security, we will do so to you.

    They hate our anti-Muslim policies:

    And I will talk to you about the reason for those events, and I will be honest with you about the moments the decision was made so that you can ponder. And I tell you, God only knows, that we never had the intentions to destroy the towers.

    But after the injustice was so much and we saw transgressions and the coalition between Americans and the Israelis against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it occurred to my mind that we deal with the towers. And these special events that directly and personally affected me go back to 1982 and what happened when America gave permission for Israel to invade Lebanon. And assistance was given by the American sixth fleet.

    He doesn’t care who is president, he only cares about our policies:

    Your security is not in the hands of [Democratic presidential nominee John] Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Any nation that does not attack us will not be attacked.“>

  2. sorry typo and bad link

    *hate our freedoms


  3. Goddamn, I know I hate this idiot and his friends . . . but not because I haven’t been stoned for fornication yet.

  4. After 9/11 there was all this rhetoric about how if we cave in to pressure and stop shopping, or something, then “the terrorists win.” It seemed to me as a pretty shallow statement at the time, but now that I am confronted with the supreme inanity of Dinesh D’Souza I have to ask,


    It seems like a huge cop-out to me. Instead of adopting a more responsible foreign policy and a proactive approach to other nations’ politics, we’re going to do the easy thing, dump the blame on women and lock them up in the house again. Yeah.

    I’m tired of being the bloody scapegoat.

  5. Here’s that mythical time of yesteryear they want brought back:

    “The wives stayed home and cooked and cleaned and made themselves look pretty for their husbands. They did not complain about their numerous household and child rearing duties. Nor did they ever find anything but joy in being pregnant over and over again. And when their men fell over dead suddenly, leaving them no pension or bank account, they didn’t go to the government expecting money for nothing. They took in sewing to make ends meet, all the while raising their children to become decent, hard-working, non-complaining adults.”

    That’s from “The Department of Homeland Decency: Decency Rules and Regulations Manual.” There’s more at

  6. But what does it mean to “abuse” freedom?

    It means “let teh wimmins have any of it” of course. And just to be safe and keep a clear free-fire zone around the bobwire fence, make sure them evil gayz don’t start fuzzing up the boundaries. And we can beat on them first as examples, so we minimize the actual damage to our own property, I mean wimmins.

    Has Randumb House jumped the shark? Or am I having a moment of blissful and unearned optimism?

  7. I’ve always thought that “they hate our freedoms,” especially with regard to the freedoms of women, is a very incomplete but not totally inaccurate explanation of terrorism. Apparently some conservatives can empathize with the terrorists on this.

  8. I hate these people. I hate few people, and I can genuinely say I hate them. I respect their right to say what they want, since that is a fundamental freedom of our country, to say what you want to say regardless of its offensiveness. But honestly, these are the same people saying women in the US have no right to complain about our treatment here because women in the middle east have it worse. They don’t want to take us to the mythical past because I think a big part of them knows it doesn’t exist, so they’re trying to make us into a totalitarian nation where the gays don’t “rub it in your face” by doing something as audacious as kissing in public, wearing anything which connotes identity, discusses their homosexuality, and just shuts up about all the stereotypes, and the lack of true homosexual voices in politics. And they want to do the same thing with women.

    What strikes me most is just how low a concept of their own self worth these men have. They are so piss scared that if gay marriage is legal, their wife is going to run off with her best friend, that if she isn’t a financial prisoner she’ll divorce you, that if she has a choice she might NOT want to have your children. They’re so convinced that if the social market is truly a free market, if you can be what you want to be without sanctions, then no one will want them. It’s a self esteem issue. Maybe if we tie women down, they’ll stay put, because look at all these needs I have that I’m too weak to fulfill for myself (housework, cooking, child rearing, health care).

  9. God, why don’t they just drop the pretense? Soon enough, they’ll have gone far enough that they could pull an outright coup and it would work.

  10. The thing that gets me about all of this, particularly the sexual elements, is that authors like D’Souza seem to be prescribing a code of conduct that they don’t really believe in, nor does a good number of their readership.

    I’m speculating here, so take it with a grain of salt, but I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that when D’Souza was dating Laura Ingraham, they were more than happy to experience some sexual freedom even before they were engaged. If David Brock’s (admittedly gossipy) description of Ingraham has any merit to it at all, she probably insisted on it.

    I’m sure the young conservative men who put up the “W” posters in their windows and to whom D’Souza has addressed many of his books are very concerned about women’s sexuality on a Friday night. Just not the way D’Souza would like us to think they are.

  11. wow, so it is our fault for not having a fundie Muslim society, so they got pissed and attacked us. Isn’t that like fucking appeasement?

  12. and fuck lets make sure we all write letters to the WH and our congress persons stating we must immediately begin legislating and forming our culture in accordance with fundie Muslim precepts. I suggest that all legislation be forwarded to OBL for approval before Dubya signs it.

  13. Linnaeus, I found out recently that Laura Ingraham went to my high school in Connecticut, though four years ahead of me, so we didn’t overlap. So did Candace Bushnell.

    Trust me, there weren’t very many anti-sex prudes in town, or even in-state. Ingraham’s public stance on morality is about as sincere as that of New Canaan’s own Ann Coulter.

  14. Lordy, I’m so tired of this flavor of shit. “They” don’t hate us for our freedoms. Most of “them” don’t hate us much at all. Those who do, hate us because we’ve been instrumental in systematically dicking around their countries since World War I. It doesn’t help that they’ve got their own flavors of religious fundamentalism dragging them down the wrong garden path, much as we do right here in the US.

    It almost makes me physically gag to have to keep hearing this old, “feminists, atheists and hedonists are to blame for everything” trope all over again.

  15. Linnaeus, I found out recently that Laura Ingraham went to my high school in Connecticut, though four years ahead of me, so we didn’t overlap. So did Candace Bushnell.

    Trust me, there weren’t very many anti-sex prudes in town, or even in-state. Ingraham’s public stance on morality is about as sincere as that of New Canaan’s own Ann Coulter.

    I trust you managed to dodge sharing law school classes with Ann Coulter as well.

  16. This is a fantastic analyis of Dinesh’s batshit logic. I don’t know if you caught the news earlier this week, about President Ahmadinejad calling for a purge of the liberal and secular faculty in Iran but it seems to me that the more these neo-Cons spout this nonsense, the more apparent to others how closely their rhetoric matches the batshit Islamic fundamentalists.

    aspazia, when i heard that on the radio, that’s the first thing i thought of.

    but it seems like being a wingnut totally revolves around projecting. like all this talk about facism. i want to say to bushco, in light of warrantless wiretapping, secret CIA prisons, signing statements, etc, who are you to be calling anyone else facist?

  17. It is only by curtailing the left’s attack on religion, family, and traditional values that we can persuade moderate Muslims and others around the world to cooperate with us and begin to shun the extremists in their own countries

    Reeks of appeasement, to me. D’Souza is obviously a traitor.

  18. Reeks of appeasement, to me. D’Souza is obviously a traitor.

    I was going to say the same thing, Shankar.

  19. A few of our favorite Dinesh D’Souza Quotes:

    “The American slave was treated like property, which is to say, pretty well.” (from D’Souza’s book, The End of Racism)

    “If America as a nation owes blacks as a group reparations for slavery, what do blacks as a group owe America for the abolition of slavery?” (from The End of Racism)

    “Am I calling for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Actually, yes.” (from The End of Racism)

    “…within the United States, black males have (you may be surprised to discover) the highest self-esteem of any group. Yet on academic measures black males score the lowest. The reason is that self-esteem in these cases is generated by factors unrelated to studies, such as the ability to beat up other students or a high estimation of one’s sexual prowess.” (from D’Souza’s book Letters to a Young Conservative)

    “[f]or many whites the criminal and irresponsible black underclass represents a revival of barbarism in the midst of Western civilization.” (from D’Souza’s book The End of Racism)

  20. Seems to me that Dinesh D’Souza has spent too much time in the Hoover Institution and not enough time looking at the world in which he lives.

    He’s clearly quite clueless about anything outside of his own little mind.

  21. What, I may ask, is the difference between “letting the terrorists win” and taking my freedoms away, and having our own fundie christians take them away? I don’t care who stuck that knitting needle up my twat in the back alley, my corpse is just as dead.

    They want to take my freedoms away — the fundie christians — and they are a lot closer to me than Osama bin Laden. They are MY terrorists. I wonder whether or not I could get away with preemptively declaring war on THEM. Or would that make me a manhating crazy-ass bitch?

    Everyone else has already said it — when straight white men exercise freedom, it’s exactly that, the exercise of freedom. When I get to do the same it’s abuse of freedom, including the freedom to fuck without worrying about it ruining the entire rest of my life.

    THEY are MY terrorists. And they are far more dangerous to ME than any fundie muslim ten thousand miles away.

  22. Soon enough, they’ll have gone far enough that they could pull an outright coup and it would work.

    Well, I’m sure that makes up part of the core of their desires.

    It is only by curtailing the left’s attack on religion, family, and traditional values that we can persuade moderate Muslims and others around the world to cooperate with us and begin to shun the extremists in their own countries

    Part 1 of their plan.

    Thank you nonwhiteperson for the D’Souza quotes, I honestly didn’t think that anyone outside a white supremicist group would even espouse such trash talk/thought, much less in public. I can’t even articulate how reading such words makes me feel.

    Bring on the coup you spineless, sniveling maroons and we’ll see who is the last standing.

  23. Rhetorical obvious answer question follows:

    Why do all these people shouting that we have too many freedoms, that we’re far too free, that we need to curtail freedoms, are never altruistic enough to be saying “and that’s why I think all my books should be censored.” They’re all too willing to throw MY freedoms under the bus, for security’s sake, but never their own.

    My mother keeps telling me that she agrees with the wiretapping, that she has nothing to hide so she has no problem with them tapping her phone. But that’s exactly the point. Some of us do have things we’d rather the federal government didn’t know about. Some of us hate the current administration. Some of us commit the ultimate crime, dissent. And if you don’t think that dissent is considered criminal under this administration, why do you think they were doing surveillance on the damned Quakers for chrissake.

  24. I, for one, am going to continue supporting gay marriage and availability of abortion. If it truly pisses of the terrorists, then that’s just an added bonus, sugarcoating on the cake. 😉

    D’Souza and his ilk need to realize that freedom isn’t “for me, not for thee” system, but a rather absolute one.

    As for OBL:s comments about the motivations about the 9/11, call me horrible bad faith sceptic, but a man who is not above killing 3000+ people probably isn’t above little “bending the truth” to make himself seem more reasonable than he deserves.

  25. It isn’t just the 1950s that tell us the abortion rate would skyrocket if abortion were illegal. We’ve got some lovely modern-day examples of same. Look at the countries in Latin America in which abortion is illegal, particularly Brazil. Even worse, I understand that at least one locality in Brazil outlawed contraception because their tax base was shrinking–exactly the kind of wingnut thinking we get here, except apparently Brazil is more honest and upfront about it.

    This sort of thing is why my teeth set on edge every time I hear someone on the Left speaking of “taking our country back.” Can we please stop taking our country back and start taking it forward???

  26. Why do all these people shouting that we have too many freedoms, that we’re far too free, that we need to curtail freedoms, are never altruistic enough to be saying “and that’s why I think all my books should be censored.” They’re all too willing to throw MY freedoms under the bus, for security’s sake, but never their own.

    And what someone like D’Souza never seems to get is that in the past that he so venerated, someone like him — a South Asian — would have been kept down.

    Just because he wants to pull the ladder up behind him now (just like fellow Concerned Alumni of Princeton member Sam Alito), he thinks that he won’t be pushed off the roof if what he wants comes to pass. He’s very much a Serena Joy that way.

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