In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Selfless Signal-Boosting Wednesday

Happy New Year to you all! These signal-boosting posts are a complement to our long-standing Shameless Self-Promotion Sundays, this thread is for recommending someone else‘s writings/events.

Especially welcome are links to those who are blogging on issues Feministe has not recently addressed (the links can be to older posts, just something you’ve found recently relevant).  Please save the self-promotion links for this Sunday – use this thread to let Feministe readers know about the other blogs you love to read, and activist/celebration events you long to attend, especially from those on the margins of the mainstream social justice communities, who tend to not get as much exposure as they should.


  1. Signal-boosting only here please (seconding/thirding etc is fine, but keep it short and sweet) ~ analytical discussions about various links belong on the Open Thread or Spillover.
  2. Include content notes/trigger warnings/NSFW alerts where needed as a courtesy to other readers.
  3. Keep this thread focussed on the linking – the idea is to make your comments on the other blogs being linked!  (adding relevant links for further related reading is always welcome)

20 thoughts on Selfless Signal-Boosting Wednesday

  1. Chef Freddie Bitsoie (Navajo) is fundraising for a cooking show called “Rezervations Not Required” that focuses on the cuisines of native and indigenous peoples in the U.S. and Canada.

    The show will be produced by Waking Giants Productions, founded by actor Irene Bedard (Inupiat, Inuit, Metis). As far as I know, it would be the first show of its kind to focus on North American native cooks and foodways. I don’t have any affiliation with the show; I just think it sounds like a great idea.

  2. #solidarityisfortheabledbodied is trending (is that the term?) on twitter. One linked article examines the roles of hospices in offering services to those with disabilities who have certain long-care needs that are not met elsewhere:

  3. [Content note: CiF article so clueless arsehattery abounds in the comments]

    The Guardian – Comment Is Free | Sunili Govinnage | In 2014, I’ll only read books by writers of colour. Here’s why

    as an immigrant kid who grew up speaking English and reading English-language books, I always felt alone and very, very different. As many times as I might re-read Pride and Prejudice (as I did) I always wondered why some truths are more universally acknowledged than others.

    Adichie’s discussion of the power dynamics in the way stories are told helped me make sense of my childhood uneasiness. It also made me look back and realise that it wasn’t until I started reading books written by more diverse authors that I began to appreciate the importance of seeking out new perspectives in literature, popular culture and news.

    In English-language media, everything amounts to stories of different places told though a western lens. But it is vital for us to hear more stories about our world told from other perspectives.

    1. Readers of that GMP article be forewarned.
      The author’s understanding of racial issues is sadly lacking in insight and nuance. In reference to so-called “racist” black people he says: “Grow up and stop being so fucking ignorant. You’re a damn embarrassment to Dr. King and his legacy.”

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