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How Did Republican Rape Philosophers Do Last Night?

Let’s take a look!

Candidate: Roger Rivard
Rape Philosophy: “Some girls rape easy.”
Outcome: Lost to Steven Smith.

Candidate: Richard Mourdock
Rape Philosophy: “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Outcome: Lost to Joe Donnelly.

Candidate: Todd Akin
Rape Philosophy: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.” (Bonus comment: Opponent Claire McCaskill was much more “ladylike” in 2008).
Outcome: Lost to Claire McCaskill.

Ouch. Apparently being The Party Of Rape isn’t quite as beneficial as Team GOP had hoped.

(And all of the credit for “republican rape philosophers” goes to James Wolcott).

44 thoughts on How Did Republican Rape Philosophers Do Last Night?

  1. Tom Smith (the “father’s perspective” guy) and John Koster (the “the rape thing” and “incest is so rare” guy) also lost.

  2. I just use the old fashioned ‘morons.’

    Based on the way their States went for President, I must admit it is at least a minutiae more comforting to know that people who broadly support a candidate who is broadly anti-women do in fact draw the line at someone who thinks a woman’s ovaries can recognize a ‘legitimate rape.’

    1. I just use the old fashioned ‘morons.’

      Um… no. PWD definitely don’t deserve to be compared to Republicans.

      Throwback, yes. Neanderthal, yes. Rape-apologist ignorant f***er, very yes. Moron, no.

      1. Hey, we have Neanderthal genes in us! I counsel my students to not disrespect Neanderthals…. (sort of joking!)

        1. My (non-scientist) wife (who happens to be primarily of African ancestry) does refer to my “Cro-Magnon” chest hair and slouch. I correct her — “don’t you mean Neanderthal?”

  3. The comments on rape were unpardonable. I hope that one result of the US election’s result will be a tea-party takeover of the Republican Party so that it represents true blue-collar voters instead of the ivory-tower fantiasies of millionaires.

    1. I hope that one result of the US election’s result will be a tea-party takeover of the Republican Party

      Given the quality of candidates the Tea Partiers have been backing, I join you in devoutly wishing for this outcome. By 2017, the Democrats might have 65 Senators.

    2. The Tea Party doesn’t represent anyone but white, old, fundie, low IQ racists. But, hey. Keep screaming. The more ya’ll talk, the more the sane majority of this country despises you.

    3. Luckily for us most “blue collar” people are not as nasty-minded, racist and sexist as Tea Partiers.

  4. Kate Sheppard said it well:

    The lesson here seems to be that if you’re a Republican male politician from the Midwest, you should keep your insensitive rape comments to yourself.

  5. Don’t forget the race in CT, where the candidate who argued that catholic hospitals shouldn’t be required to give EC to women who’d been raped, went down in flames too. I refuse to even dignify her name.

  6. I just like to imagine it in the voice of the Crusader form indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. “They did….poorly.”

  7. What impresses me most is that Mourdock and Akin didn’t even make it that close. Akin in particular lost in a humiliating manner, considering the big money had started flowing back in and Romney won by ten points.

    While I’m not happy with the knowledge that people like these two and Koster and all the rest will likely just go back to being a little more quiet about their dangerous views, and go back to winning, I am happy that the voters were disgusted enough by this bile to send clear, devastating messages.

    1. While I’m not happy with the knowledge that people like these two and Koster and all the rest will likely just go back to being a little more quiet about their dangerous views

      They can’t do this if journalists / debate moderators / the public ask repeatedly them what their views are, and hold them to their records.

      1. I sometimes think unless these people just say the most grotesque things with a bullhorn, too many will not get the message. I was reading a Washington Post column where various women who voted for Romney said they didn’t believe he actually meant any promises to go against Roe v Wade, that he probably felt that was just what he had to say to win.

    1. I don’t know…. “Team Rape” may not get across the meaning you intend. It sounds too much like a more genteel way of saying “Gang Rape”.

      1. From Saint Louis, I call ’em “rapist sympathizers” because I seriously wonder who else talks like that but rapists? Sad that the whole Rape Gang thing has totally passed up the subject of rape as a huge problem in our society. This should be an opportunity to address the disturbing prevalence of this horrible crime and also to point out how ignorant people are. Start talking about how to combat the EPIDEMIC of rape. I feel great now that The President’s got four more years in which we might make great strides. Also, do not f*** with the women of MO.

        1. I am also from St. Louis. What was truly a thing of nonsense was his concession speech.

          He was flabbergasted that he did not win.


          That is the thing about this assholes. They really don’t get why you wouldn’t buy into their theories. Fucking clueless.

  8. If the stats are correct in that one in four of us has been raped, the GOPissants offended a huge voting bloc, including many of their own. Not all voters are dogma-blinded or self-destructive.
    Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, though: anti-choice Scott Desjarlies (deliberate misspelling), he who tried to force abortion on his extramarital playmate, got enough crank-cooker and pillhead votes to win a second term. Ain’t easy being Southern and lib’rul.

  9. Joe Walsh also lost to Tammy Duckworth. He’s the one who said that women never die in childbirth anymore due to medical advances, so there’s no reason for a “life of the mother” exception in abortion. Honestly, these guys make my blood run cold. . .

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