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Planned Parenthood and Tucker Max

Noted misogynist Tucker Max recently attempted to donate $500,000 to Planned Parenthood in order to decrease his tax burden and promote his new book. PP was initially glad to receive the gift — lord knows they need the money — but when they realized it was from Tucker Max and part of a media blitz, they declined. Now Max’s brand manager/strategist is blowing them up on Forbes:

Planned Parenthood: “We have concerns about accepting this donation, we understand what you write is satire, but we’re worried about the perception.”

Tucker: “I don’t write satire. I write about my life.”

PP: “Yes, well, we’re concerned about the perception of your writing.”

Tucker: “Perception? You mean you have a problem with me personally, or you’re worried what OTHER people think?”

It took more than 20 minutes to actually tell him that they were not going to accept his money and that the meeting was off. Mind you, this conversation occurred as he was driving to Dallas. Eventually, they stopped being evasive and got to the real issue—self-righteousness. Planned Parenthood was actually willing to let clinics CLOSE rather than take money from a humorist (with millions of female fans) whose writing they didn’t like the perception of:

PP: “I guess it’s the way you write about women.”

Tucker “What do you mean? I’m not negative towards women in my writing. Women love my writing; more than half my fans are female.”

PP: “Well…there are certain jokes you make we feel can be perceived in a certain negative manner.”

Tucker: “So because I made a fat girl joke you won’t accept a $500,000 donation?”

PP: “I wouldn’t characterize it that way.”

Tucker: “How would you then? I’m listening and I want your best quote.”

PP: “We don’t feel it would be appropriate, given Planned Parenthood’s mission and your body of work, to accept your donation.”

Tucker: “What? I thought Planned Parenthood’s mission was about helping women, not passing judgment on humor.”

Tucker called me stunned. We could hardly conceive of what had just happened. Planned Parenthood’s “mission” is to help women get access to reproductive services, but they were turning down money intended to do precisely that. How could someone trying to give a half million dollars to a women’s health clinic be turned away for being anti-woman? A week before Planned Parenthood been “honored to have his support,” now they were slamming the door in his face. So he turned around and headed home, the check he’d planned to write figuratively torn up.

As a marketer, it was one of the stupidest and most depressing things I’ve ever seen. This would have been a win-win-win-win situation. Cut a check, keep a clinic open. Rehabilitate some of Tucker’s PR. Reduce a tax burden. Encourage other donors. And most importantly: Help women keep access to vital reproductive services. But nope. So I tell this story not simply to call out Planned Parenthood—though they deserve it and more. Tucker wasn’t trying to make a fool of them with the donation I set up, but they acted like one anyway.

Yes, Planned Parenthood’s mission is to help women. Yes, Planned Parenthood could definitely use half a million dollars. But in order to accomplish their mission, Planned Parenthood needs to not open themselves up to further politicization and marginalization. They’re already under attack from the GOP for doing nothing other than providing health care to women. And Tucker Max wasn’t donating to PP out of the goodness of his heart; he was donating explicitly because he wanted to make a big public deal about it, and use the donation to rehabilitate his image as the expense of Planned Parenthood’s.

Planned Parenthood was in between a rock and a hard place: Accept much-needed money but open themselves up to another attack that could result in their losing significantly more than $500,000 in state and federal funds, or refuse much-needed money but cover their asses. They decided to avoid the risk that comes from taking money from Tucker Max — because if they took that money, their broader mission could be even more severely impeded. Believe me, Planned Parenthood is the last organization to be judgmental of an individual’s personal and sexual choices. But they do have to protect themselves, and they have been under siege for the past few years. There are entire organizations and large numbers of politicians who have made it their mission to destroy Planned Parenthood. PP can’t afford to take unnecessary risks. Unnecessary risks can mean that the organization ceases to exist. That impedes their mission a hell of a lot more than not having an additional $500,000.

So the accusation from Ryan Holiday that Planned Parenthood is letting “perception and moral superiority and BS politics get in the way of their real mission of helping people in need”? Planned Parenthood is constantly besieged by moral superiority and BS politics, which do impede their real mission of helping people in need. If Tucker Max wants to quit being a Grade-A Asshole, he could donate to Planned Parenthood anonymously (and still get the tax write-off). It wouldn’t score him big news stories or rehab his image — an image that has gotten him very very rich and is entirely of his own doing — but it would actually help people, without actively harming Planned Parenthood. But nah, instead his strategist posts a big Fuck You to PP on Forbes.

Tucker and Ryan, you actually want to help people by donating to Planned Parenthood? Then do it. But trying to bolster the career of a misogynist narcissist at the expense of an organization that is already teetering on the brink, and then crying foul — and attempting a public shaming– when the organization protects itself so that it can continue to provide much-needed help to people who need more fundamental assistance than a new image and a tax break? That’s disgusting and transparently self-serving. And doesn’t do much to counter the perception that Tucker Max and his team are, in fact, a bunch of total fucking shitbags.

75 thoughts on Planned Parenthood and Tucker Max

  1. Two thoughts:

    1) If he really wants to help, then he could always donate the money anonymously. He could still even take the tax write-off.

    2) Tucker Max has $500,000 to give?? FML.

  2. That’s disgusting. And I am prouder than ever now that Planned Parenthood has my meager $10 a month, even when it does take a chunk out of my expenses. They have integrity and they’re committed to keeping themselves safe for all women, and that’s just as important as having enough money.

  3. I cannot even fathom how much of a fucking tool this guy is. And I don’t even know who he is!

  4. Thank you, Planned Parenthood, for refusing to accept his donation.

    It is clear from this situation that Planned Parenthood is the one that has morals, and Tucker Max DOES NOT.

    Tucker Max needs to go away and retire forever. He has not done anything good for this nation.

  5. Ah yes, the old ‘some of my biggest fans are women’ dodge. Look up ‘internalised sexism’, Mr. Max. The definition might surprise you.

  6. I’m deeply amused that, for the most part, the comments section on Forbes isn’t even buying it. It just comes across like someone pitching a fit that PP won’t sell his client feminist cred.

  7. Yeeeeah the fact that he wants to make a deal out of this instead of just giving an anonymous donation, yet again, makes the content of his character REAL obvious. There is NOTHING redeeming to him.

    At all.


    Not once.

  8. It’s easy for me to see a corrolation here between his sex life and his “philanthropy”.

    He decides he’d like to get a girl into bed (give a woman’s organization money) The woman (organization) realizes he’s a creep and declines him. Instead of realizing that the problem is with HIM, he decides it’s all the woman (organization)’s problem. Oh she’s just worried about what other people are thinking. I know she wants it. I know she needs it. But she just won’t do it because she’s a stupid prude. Then he runs his fat mouth off to everyone he knows about the stupid prude who won’t stroke his ego.

  9. What pisses me off most about this is that an asshole like that has half a million dollars available for a publicity stunt.

  10. Wow really? I absolutely consider myself a feminist, and I wholly support Planned Parenthood. And guess what – I’m also a fan of Tucker Max. The guy writes stories about getting drunk and having sex. He’s not a fucking ax murderer. Planned Parenthood in Texas needs serious help, and he’s willing to give it. Planned Parenthood has made a name for itself by not being judgemental – why start with him?

    1. Wow really? I absolutely consider myself a feminist, and I wholly support Planned Parenthood. And guess what – I’m also a fan of Tucker Max. The guy writes stories about getting drunk and having sex. He’s not a fucking ax murderer. Planned Parenthood in Texas needs serious help, and he’s willing to give it. Planned Parenthood has made a name for itself by not being judgemental – why start with him?

      He’s not an ax murderer, but there’s a reason that his image needs rehab, and there’s a reason his strategist chose a women’s organization. PP isn’t being self-righteous or judgmental — it’s attempting to be self-sustaining. They didn’t reject his donation because they think he’s a jerk. They rejected his donation because accepting it would inevitably be used against them, in the service of organizations that want them totally de-funded. They’re thinking big-picture here, and it’s fucked up for Max and his strategist to attempt to publicly attack them.

  11. Although I don’t believe Tucker Max to be the most ethical person in his personal life, I’m not sure being self righteous was the best move here. But hey if I was him and they didn’t want my money, I’d give it to someone who will graciously accept my donation in the realization that we as a people make personal choices in our lives but the doesn’t preclude us from being decent people and helping others when we have the means and opportunity.

  12. Oh good. Max’s fanboi suckups are here pretending to be female fans! And totally FEMINISTS too, yo!

    And, if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya!

  13. Of course Tucker is a terrible person. Of course he should be sterilized to save us all from his spawn. But, are we just letting our moral outrage blind us to the fact that he tried to give $500,000 to PP?

  14. If even commenters on “Forbes” don’t buy his explanation, nobody worth zir salt will. For that matter, I’m not sure a 5-year-old would buy his explanation either.

    (On the other hand, if George H. Bush offered $500,000 US to PP tomorrow, I’d snatch it up in a microsecond. The irony would simply be too delicious.)

  15. @Echozen, I don’t know. I like the irony of a Tucker Max clinic more than I do GW. At least Tucker hasn’t killed anybody (let alone thousands of soldiers and Iraqis)

  16. Just as a person has a right to give their money and other resources to whomever they wish, the intended recipient has evey right to decline that provision if they think the resulting effects will not be worth the cost.

    I know fark-all about Tucker Max aside from the text of the horribly unfunny, subsophmoric, sexist, misogynist “jokes” he complained that celebs wouldn’t put their names to from that Wired post. PP is almost certainly better off refusing his money, because I don’t want to imagine how he would use that “donation” to promote himself at their ultimate expense.

  17. This: If Tucker Max wants to quit being a Grade-A Asshole, he could donate to Planned Parenthood anonymously (and still get the tax write-off).

  18. I hadn’t heard of this guy before today, and I just read some of his stories on his website. Not only did I find them offensive and misogynistic, I also found them stupid, boring, and poorly written. He reminds me of every dumb frat boy that has cornered me at a party and told me some dumb, unfunny story of his exploits indistinguishable from a hundred other dumb, unfunny I’ve heard before. So yeah. Disturbing this guy is a famous writer rather than an extra in a Judd Apatow film.

    And obviously Mr. Max doesn’t care about Planned Parenthood five percent as much as he does about his own ego or he would have arranged to make the donation anonymously rather than slagging them off in Forbes. I will take one dissenting view here though. I don’t agree with the idea that Planned Parenthood should “not open themselves up to further politicization.” They don’t need to be watching what they do for fear that their enemies will exploit it and use it against them. The right wing is committed to destroying Planned Parenthood. They are already committed to accomplishing this by any means necessary, including making up stuff whole cloth like they did when they destroyed ACORN. In other words, the right wing’s smear tactics have no relation to what Planned Parenthood is actually doing. Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be preemptively defensive or falsely apolitical, it should be more political and go on the attack. Planned Parenthood needs to radicalize itself more.

    So yeah. Accept this guy’s money or don’t. If I were queen of the world I would probably accept it with the statement, “this guy is a douchebag idiot, but if he or anyone else wants to throw money at us we won’t reject the check.” And don’t fear the right wing, smash the right wing.

  19. Planned Parenthood has made a name for itself by not being judgemental – why start with him?

    I think the Forbes piece that Jennifer linked to does a pretty good job of demonstrating that this issue is not so simple. Max manages to be racist, sexist, classist, and fat shaming in 6 tweets. What does it say to PP’s clients if they accept funding from someone who sees no issue with denigrating many of those clients.

    (I am always a bit ashamed that Tucker Max and I share an alma mater.)

  20. Yeah, I just put a bit in the pot to help offset the loss… Too bad there isn’t an option to donate “In Dishonor Of ____.”

  21. Lines from the movie he wrote, which include:
    “The turtles are telling me to kill that fat girl over there. What? How can you be mad about that? Fat girls aren’t people!”
    told me everything I needed to know about this guy, and none of it good. I’m glad PP didn’t take his money, and I am making a donation.

  22. Putting my fundraiser/grant writer hat back on, they made the right choice. Especially given his demands. If you’re talking “brand” (like he is), his image doesn’t fit with their brand. And the naming rights violate their policy.

    Donate anonymously, brag about it later.

  23. And the naming rights violate their policy.

    Hmmm. . .I might need to remember to actually read the linked article next time before I form and spout off my opinion. Yeah, I hadn’t, and I hadn’t seen how he wanted a health center named after him. That’s pretty fucking stupid. I don’t blame them for not accepting the money if that was a precondition.

  24. This attempted stunt is dumb as hell. It’s obvious that he was trying for, “But I love women, can’t you see, I totally donated to PP!” and also hoping to make the “edgy joke” of having one of their centers named after him – “The Tucker Max Abortion Clinic haw haw haw”.

    They were right not to take the money.

  25. Publicist Guy: “Blah blah blah millions of adoring fans blah blah”

    Serial killers in prison get tons of fan mail and marriage proposals too. Your point being?

    Frankly, I loathe TM. His writings encourage and celebrate misogyny, class-ism, racism, etc. He’s a scumbag who I’d bet my car has encouraged rapey and consent-ignoring assholes to victimize other people.

    I think Planned Parenthood absolutely made the right call in not allowing that douchebag to tarnish their name while polishing his (if that’s possible). The reaction of his publicist should remove any doubt about his motivation.

    It should also speak volumes about TM’s opinion of women and PP.

  26. ……Im sorry but this irks me. They accept money from ADMITTED RACISTS but not assholes. Racists are and always will be the scum of the earth. If this was a self righteous stance PP has some fucking explaining to do as to where the hell that self righteousness goes when KKK members offer less?

  27. I’ve got to say that I’m on the fence. While I understand that Tucker Max is a douchebag, I also think that $500K to a non-profit in today’s economy is nothing to sniff at. What’s more important, proving a “moral victory” point or accepting a donation that will help thousands of women?

  28. FWIW-

    “The family planning organization’s reasoning for the rejections is simple: They want no part in providing publicity to a guy who, by all accounts, appears to sort of hate Planned Parenthood. Last July, he tweeted, “Planned Parenthood would be cooler if it was a giant flight of stairs, w/someone pushing girls down, like a water park slide #FF @PPact.” And just a couple weeks ago, on March 14, he said, “In South Florida. This place is awful. Shitty design, slutty whores & no culture, like a giant Planned Parenthood waiting room.” LOL. Thinking sexually active women are sluts! Is this guy transgressive and edgy or what?! (He’s deleted both of those Tweets since the Forbes story posted, apparently in an attempt to retroactively make himself look like less of a shamelessly self-promoting dick attempting to use an organization that promotes the health of poor women to help him sell books and/or rehabilitate his image.)”

    Maybe they realized that having a clinic named after him would just turn it into a giant joke.

  29. I’m giving Planned Parenthood the benefit of the doubt — I assume this decision was made by people who spend a lot of time managing donor relationships and P.R. for the organization, and who have a pretty good sense of how TM’s shenanigans might affect other donors. (Plus — he wanted a clinic named after him? I feel that this proposed donation was never anything but a stunt.)

  30. And I posted that before I saw the Tweets – so yeah, just add a bunch of exclamation points.

  31. (On the other hand, if George H. Bush offered $500,000 US to PP tomorrow, I’d snatch it up in a microsecond. The irony would simply be too delicious.)

    OT, but Rachel Maddow did segment the other night about how Bush I was a big fan of PP back in the day, before he wanted to be VP. His father was involved with Planned Parenthood in the 40s.

  32. Inappropriate, yes! Self-serving, absolutely! There’s just one problem here P.P. is not a moral compass. Undeniably it has helped/saved legions of troubled women but, it has been pro-choice for so long it has lost sight of the fact that to terminate life is not a neutral decision, it is not even a regrettable decision. It is appalling. P.P. would be of much higher regard if it ceaselessly pushed for research for far superior intuitive contraceptive methods because the truth is, abortion is not acceptable. We have brilliant scientists and doctors. We can and must demand better!

  33. I wonder if this decision will play into the narrative the Religious Right has going that it very much matters whose hands the money started in. They can’t bear the thought that tax dollars that once belonged to them will be given to PP (regardless of what PP uses them for). Is it going to look hypocritical that PP also cares whose hand the money was in before it reaches them?

    Not that I blame them for the decision, especially if there were conditions (like naming a building) riding on the donation. Just wondering if it looks like that to anyone else, or if I’m way off the mark.

  34. There will always be questionable/controversial donors to any organization. Often there’s little way to vet each donation or donor. In this instance though, the potential donor is stirring up publicity. If he’d donated quietly and then made a fuss, they still could have returned the money.

    I worked at an organization who had to drop a sponsor right before a large events due to controversy and alleged illegal acts. It’s not pretty, but it can be done as needed. In this case, they just couldn’t agree to his demands.

  35. Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. Mr. Max himself has indicated he no longer wishes to write about all the stupid things he did when he was younger; that he’s not the same person at all. I think his extremely generous donation should be gracefully accepted praising him for perhaps making amends for his past vulgarity by showing empathy for women who have been victimized as a result of such immature past behavior and now honoring women with his apologetic donation. Let us accept it adding our sincere hope that he has at last learned his lesson., and that we look forward to all his future compassionate and respectful acts towards women.

  36. It sounds like some of the people asking why Planned Parenthood turned down the money don’t realize that it wasn’t a simple donation. For example, they’d have to name a clinic after him.

    Accepting money from someone is one thing. Agreeing to name a clinic after him is something else entirely.

  37. I know Tucker pretty well. We’re not close friends or anything, it’s been a couple of years since we talked much, but I got to know him pretty well over several years and I don’t doubt that the donation of half a million dollars was a tactical decision. The guy does have an economics degree from U Chicago and a law degree from Duke. He’s pretty well trained in strategic use of unavoidable expenditure. But I also think he genuinely wanted to help PP.

    The guy isn’t a Misogynist. Which is to say he doesn’t hate or discriminate against women. He’s a narcissist with a dark sense of humour who targets everyone and doesn’t treat women any differently. And while I understand it might not be clear if you’ve only read his frattire and not any of his writing on other subjects, he’s also a pretty passionate supporter of sex positive third wave feminism and talks extensively and intelligently about the topic. While his voice in his more successful commercial works isn’t targeted in that direction – his speaking engagements and other writing have spent quite a lot of time addressing subjects in that direction. And having seen the man behind the curtain a little, I think the people in his life who he most values, most respects and is most grateful to, are pretty consistently women.

    And the Press from a Tucker Max Planned Parenthood clinic would have undoubtedly been great for him. But Tucker’s narcissism extends to a keen awareness of the things that have benefited him. I honestly think he would have been really happy to genuinely help PP and honestly gutted that it didn’t eventuate.

    Regarding the suggested post rejection anonymous donation…. Really? If you had half a million to donate, and found a cause that you really believe in to give it too, and that cause told you that they didn’t want to be associated with you personally. That your very name was such an anathema to them that they wouldn’t accept half a million dollars of your money. If they told you that they were so opposed to you that they were willing to let clinics close and fore go helping women in need rather than even try and talk you into an anonymous donation, or a press release to deflect bad press from your past endeavors … would you really, genuinely go off and anonymously donate to them? Or would you sulk all the way home and just tell your lawyer to give the money to someone else and not bother you about it? Writing like a jerk doesn’t mean that he’s immune to hurt feelings.

    And if he was a big enough person to make an anonymous donation to PP after that, he wouldn’t be able to admit to it now anyway. Maybe the Forbes post is just his advisor’s last attempt to grab some reclaimed benefit from that donation. And frankly I don’t think there’s many people in the world who make half million dollar donations who don’t try and get some kind of secondary benefit out of it.

  38. It sounds like some of the people asking why Planned Parenthood turned down the money don’t realize that it wasn’t a simple donation. For example, they’d have to name a clinic after him.

    Accepting money from someone is one thing. Agreeing to name a clinic after him is something else entirely.

    This information should be included in the main article.
    Although they were right to not accept the donation even ignoring this piece of information, That “donation” would put his name on one of their clinics..permanently. He may as well have been buying the clinic so he can hold it over people’s heads when they call him a misogynistic asshole.

    After making the statement that Jet girl pointed out, I don’t think there’s any doubt in our minds as to where he stands.

    And lets face it, the first line on his website is “My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole.”.

  39. “The guy isn’t a Misogynist. Which is to say he doesn’t hate or discriminate against women. ”

    That’s the fucking definition, idjit.

    That he’s also a fucking racist bigot doesn’t mean he’s not also a misogynist. It simply means he’s the *complete* douchebag.

  40. He’s a narcissist with a dark sense of humour who targets everyone and doesn’t treat women any differently.

    First, with all due respect to your friend, I think his sense of humor–at least as evidenced by his published writings–is pretty fucking shitty and stupid. Second, what you’re saying here is the South Park fallacy. The writers of South Park have cruelly mocked a wide assortment of marginalized groups: atheists, the disabled, transgender people, American Indians (just to name a few at random). This composite form of bigotry doesn’t somehow add up to become a lack of prejudice. The same thing applies to your friend, Mr. Max, who as posters here have pointed out is not only sexist but also classist, racist, and fatphoic.

  41. The big string attached to the donation is that he wanted PP to NAME A CLINIC AFTER HIM. If you bothered to read the article in Forbes, you’d see that this was THE term of the deal, and that PP didn’t want to do it. Understandably.

    He’s a narcissist with a dark sense of humour who targets everyone and doesn’t treat women any differently. And while I understand it might not be clear if you’ve only read his frattire and not any of his writing on other subjects, he’s also a pretty passionate supporter of sex positive third wave feminism and talks extensively and intelligently about the topic. While his voice in his more successful commercial works isn’t targeted in that direction – his speaking engagements and other writing have spent quite a lot of time addressing subjects in that direction. And having seen the man behind the curtain a little, I think the people in his life who he most values, most respects and is most grateful to, are pretty consistently women.

    If he’s a narcissist, he’s literally incapable about caring for anyone or anything that doesn’t reflect positively on himself (including whatever women he surrounds himself with). Which, actually, explains a lot about his intent with the PP donation and his public reaction to it. If he knows anything, it’s how to burn bridges.

    Regardless, whatever he believes in private is not my concern. His career is humiliating women and celebrating the derision of women’s concerns as a class. PP could have taken his strategic donation and won the battle just to find that tying themselves publicly to Max lost them the war. Or, PP could just strategically Susan G. Komen Tucker Max’s ass and turn this into twice the donations.

  42. Take his money PP. You need it. Then release a press statement after the check is cashed that you don’t agree with everything he has written, but appreciate how his donation will help thousands of women.

    Dumb move PP. Just to try to play the moral high ground BS – shameful.

  43. yeah, he clearly respects women. how could we not think that? (oh i mean… no fat chicks… but yeah, when we’re not filming women in bed against their consent, we are spending all our time Respecting them. now take my money or i’ll trash you in the media…)

  44. Scootah’s comment reminds me of that Jay Smooth video:

    “I have known this person for years and I know for a FACT that they are not a racist! And how dare you claim to know what’s inside their soul just because they made one little joke about watermelon tap dancing and going back to Africa!”

  45. Ugh, I am so sick of this fucker. Every time I forget that he exists his name pops up somewhere. Fuck you, Tucker Max!

  46. Which is to say he doesn’t hate or discriminate against women.

    Oh, he once had a guy poop on his dick, threw up on the guy’s back, had his friend fall out of the closet vomiting as the friend taping said sex without the guy’s knowledge, then profited from a retelling of the story?

    Yeah bro. Guy sounds like he totally respects women.

  47. Guh. Tucker Max apologists. Yay.

    I keep coming back to the main argument that Jill made in this post–this isn’t about PP haphazardly rejecting a donation. It’s not really about if Tucker Max is an asshat or not (he is.)

    It’s about PPs concerns that saddling up with Tucker Max will have really negative ramifications, that far outweigh the benefits of his money. For example, there are probably thousands of small to medium PP donors like me who would be extremely upset and disappointed if they had a clinic named after him.

  48. It’s funny how none of Max’s so-called passionate support or whatever of sex positive womens’ rights shows. It’s funny how he has no published material which is not incredibly disgusting and sexist against women. It’s funny how he writes about women in ways that are not feminist or progressive. But, hey, let’s ignore all this stuff that a lot of us have seen over the years.

  49. I love the idea that Tucker is classist. He’s Kentucky trailer trash who got through yuppie schools with academic scholarships and a boatload of debt that he didn’t even start paying until his mid thirties.

    I also love the idea that he’s a bad person because he’s not very nice to people, and the best way to deal with that fact is by being really aggressively nasty about the guy. The irony there is a little overwhelming.

  50. I also love the idea that he’s a bad person because he’s not very nice to people

    Nope. He’s an asshole because his entire schtick is misogynist bullshit. Nothing to do with niceness.

  51. I’ve always admired Tucker Max’s intelligence, but I can’t get over what a giant douche (speaking of South Park…) he is. PP had every right to refuse his public donation – they don’t want to have his name associated with them, and sadly, it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. They didn’t want to participate in what amounted to a huge publicity stunt. If he really wanted to help out, he would have given anonymously. End of story.

  52. I also love the idea that he’s a bad person because he’s not very nice to people.

    He’s either a misogynist, or makes his living from humor with a misogynistic bent. So, either he really feels that way about women, or his profiting off of the cultural hatred of women – and not by critiquing it. So either way, not someone I’m going to call an especially good guy. In fact, if you’re right and he genuinely does like women and this is an act to make money, I’m going to say that portrays him in a worse light. Because he knows that these types of statements negatively affect women and he still makes them.

    And there’s a difference between being mean to people and having your meanness based on stereotypes of “peoples” – if your joke is “haha, fat girl = unfuckable = unhuman” then you’re basing your joke off of the idea of what a fat girl is and not who that specific fat girl is. And I’m sure there are mockable things about that girl. I’m sure she loves something dorky. And if he took the time to find out she still is obsessed with Hanson, and mocks that, then that’s being mean. If he just looks at her and derides a bit about her weight and how she and people like her aren’t really worthy of sympathy, then that’s an indication he’s a bad person.

  53. I love the idea that Tucker is classist.

    No, he has said things that are classist. I have no idea if his soul is burned black with classism (or any other -ism). What I care about is the fact that he trades in these tropes to make a living. The “Hate the game, don’t hate the player” defense is not particularly compelling.

  54. The irony there is a little overwhelming.

    Well, if it makes you feel better, it’s because you don’t seem to have a solid understanding of what irony is. No one here is expecting him to be a “nice guy,” sparky. Maybe you can ask your super intelligent bro-friend to define irony for you. It’d be ironic if we personally made a living off of the denigration of a marginalized community, then got super-offended!!1 when they told us to fuck off.

  55. The article definitely should have mentioned Mr. Max’s naming stipulation. It does require an adjustment in response. First, while $500,000 is an extremely generous donation it certainly would not cover anywhere near the expense involved in opening and running a clinic. Were he to increase his offer to a few million perhaps something might be negotiated. The cutting of the ribbon at the “Tucker Max The Penitent Clinic” would certainly merit media attention and given all the threats Mr. Bill Baird had to endure for his clinic, I would say Mr. Max could additionally find himself to be a beacon of courage and adherence to his principles for all. Outstanding!

  56. To those who think that PP should have accepted the donation in violation of their naming policy, I would remind you that PP has an annual operating budget of over $1 billion. While to most of us, $500,000 is a huge gift, in the grand scheme of things it is a drop in the bucket, certainly not worth violating a carefully constructed gift acceptance and naming policy for. Those policies exist for a reason and this is it.

  57. I also love the idea that he’s a bad person because he’s not very nice to people.

    Your definition of ‘not very nice’ is such a breathtaking over simplification that it argues against the very thing you’re trying to prove.

  58. The interesting thing is why there was this publicity.

    It was Tucker Max. It wasn’t PP which made a big deal out of this, it was Max. He decided that, one way or the other; at the expense of PP, he was going to make himself look better, by making them look foolish.

  59. “He was a wild partier for a long time, and by extension, a strong advocate for the use of contraceptives and regular STD testing.”
    Can I just point out the inappropriate assumptions of this comment his publicist made (towards both men and women)
    Tucker Max likes PP because he likes to get drunk and have lots of sex, as if we have to justify the benefits of PP (which I know, we do, but it’s messed up) ugh

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