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Forbes Top 100 Blogs for Women

This is exciting: Feministe made Forbes’ list of the Top 100 Blogs for Women! We are all very excited. A big congratulations, too, to the other feminist blogs that made the list.

But of course the internet is a big place, and any list of 100 blogs is going to leave out a lot of great ones. So which sites that didn’t make the cut would go on your Top Blogs For Women list?

13 thoughts on Forbes Top 100 Blogs for Women

  1. Pandagon should have made the list. Glad to see ‘Rachel Ray’ on there, though. That’s a real quality ‘wimmin’s’ site.

    Congrats, Feministe!

  2. One blog that I think is deserving of a place on the list, but isn’t terribly widely-read at the moment is NakedFeminism. Two bloggers, one in her early thirties and the other (I believe) in her fifties, update once a week with personal stories from their childhood through present. The stories are beautifully written and touching. I highly recommend the blog!

  3. Congrats to the Feministe team. I’d like to encourage your readers to check out, a fabulous new site that features news about women and compelling interviews with professional women. The last two were with Erin Gibson and Jessica Valenti.

  4. I’d suggest Livejournal’s Vagina Pagina. It’s a thriving community with knowledgeable, supportive people dedicated to discussing women’s health, particularly women’s sexual/reproductive health. It’s also got an awesome safe-space policy and active moderators.

  5. Vagina Pagina is amazing. I’m not active anymore, but I learned so much there and that’s actually how I found the feminist blogosphere. I think someone linked to a post at Shakeville. They taught me the importance of safe space in a way that made me extend those principles into my life for always.

  6. Congratulations! Now you guys just need to celebrate in a suitably indecorous manner. I fully expect pictures of Jill making out with a cardboard cut-out.

  7. I do realize it’s Forbes magazine, so the list is going to skew towards the high-powered executive business type (for women of all races), but it would have been nice to see a few WOC-specific blogs on there.

    Nevertheless–congratulations, Feministe team! You so deserve it.

  8. It’s Forbes. I have to remember that.

    It’s a 100 best for women, not feminists. I have to remember that.

    Of the 100, I think I’ve heard of 5 of them.

    Of the 5, I’ve read 3.

    Of the 3, I frequent Feministe the most.

    A very sincere Congrats! to the team here.

    But, and this is a very general statement, considering I just wrote that I only knew of a handful, I was disappointed, but not surprised (remember, Self, it IS Forbes, after all), that few (if any) women of color, gay or transgender, dis/able, marginalized words or work were mentioned on the list.

    Can’t find Crip Chick, Flip Flopping Joy, Having Read the Fine Print, Tanglad, Reappropriate, Viva La Feminista, Maegan La Mala, Hermana Resist, or Fabulosa Mujer on that list. And, honestly, if it’s THAT hard to find or celebrate ONE radical woman/womyn thinker out of 100 to put on the list, I don’t know how great/inclusive/useful the list is to begin with.

    It’s Forbes. It’s Mainstream.

  9. I basically agree with Lisa, that most of that list is not recognizably feminist* — half of them looked very white-middle-class-mommy-centric, which isn’t automatically unfeminist by any means but is a somewhat… homogeneous… selection.

    And with blogs like Style and Martha Stewart on that list I’m taking it with a grain of salt. :p This seems like a list of “blogs I’ve heard girls look at! Apparently there are girls on the internet!” rather than any kind of comprehensive or particularly thoughtful compilation.

    This is a list of (socially acceptable) female blogs, so of course it’s going to be watered down as all hell, and leave off a lot of the people who are radical (or brown, which makes you an insta-radical donchaknow) or at all non-mainstream/marketable/cute/gentle/conformist. I think Feministe might be one of the only ones on there I would find progressive enough to read.

    Which is to say, my sympathies Feministe, for making the list; I think you’re better than that. ;p

    *and I veeery much doubt the people who put together that list could tell you what “womanist” means to save their lives

  10. More on topic, I’d include Womanist Musings and (arguably) Sociological Images, which is for everybody but is by women and often talks about sexism and various other isms. And I was really surprised that I didn’t see Pandagon; that’s pretty big-name, I thought.

    Also I’d add FemaleScienceProfessor, which is what it sounds like, and which puts little science-y goodness in there. ^^ Or Thus Spake Zuska. (And maybe Shapely Prose? Was that on there?)

  11. It’s cool this blog is getting recognition, congrats. HOWEVER, a better list would be “Top 1,000,000 blogs for women” aka the entire internet.

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