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The Washington Post or The Onion?

Bin Laden blasts U.S. for climate change

My favorite part:

The change in rhetoric aims to give al-Qaida’s message an appeal beyond hardcore Islamic militants, said Evan Kohlmann, of, a private, U.S.-based terrorism analysis group.

“It’s a bridge issue,” Kohlmann said. “They are looking to appeal to people who don’t necessarily love al-Qaida but who are angry at the U.S. and the West, to galvanize them against the West” and make them more receptive to “alternative solutions like adopting violence for the cause.”

“If you’re looking to draw people who are disenchanted or disillusioned, what better issue to use than global warming,” he said.

I had to read the whole article a couple of times and double-and-triple-check that I was on the real Washington Post website. Amazing.

5 thoughts on The Washington Post or The Onion?

  1. @Personal Failure

    in my experience, they’re not. They strongly believe in qadr (loosley translated- “destiny”) and that extinction and other environmental issues are strictly the province of God’s Divine Will. Of course now, many sympathizers and borderline sympathetic right-wingers will start to shift their beliefs. because contrary to the expectation of idiotic Islam “experts” and Islamophobes worldwide, Islam is not an exceptional religion where things are set interminably in stone and adherents are mindless breathless zombies: it’s just another religion that shifts with the concerns and anxieties of the times.

    (Sorry for the caffeine-fueled rant.)

  2. Whether it’s real or a cheap CIA psyops plant, it reeks of desperation and attention-seeking behaviour. Why not take a position/fake him taking a position on universal health care while he’s at it?

  3. What is Onion-like about this article? It simply reports a murderous and blinkered political group hijacking a legitimate issue for its own gain.

  4. Oh, good point, Osama. I’m pissed at the U.S. over climate change. I guess the obvious answer is to blow myself up with as many passersby as possible.

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