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A Very Special Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Cara has been carrying the Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday torch for me since I’ve been away in Seattle and subject to my mother’s dial-up AOL, but since it’s the last Sunday before the new year,* I figured we’d do something extra-specially self-promoting: In Cara’s thread, post something you’ve written this week that you’re particularly proud of or excited about; in this thread, self-promote the best piece you’ve written all year.

I know that’s a tough order, so I’ll start with a post I worked particularly hard on and ended up putting up about two weeks after it was relevant — this one about surrogacy, adoption, the ethics of reproduction and what “reproductive justice” actually entails.

So self-promote away, and feel free to include posts from other writers that you found particularly powerful. Sometime before the new year, I’ll try to compile a full post with all of your best links.

(And yes, I am back in NY and back to my shoddy Time Warner wireless, which means I will resume regular blogging as soon as I adjust to the time change).

*It’s still Sunday somewhere, right?

39 thoughts on A Very Special Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. On Language, and Body, and Fear – talking about the way we (not the media) talk about bodies, and the way that hurts, and the way it makes me angry, and the way I don’t say anything. not the most original subject, but i think some of the best writing (on my own personal metric) i’ve done in a long while anywhere.

    (and i said it there but jill, that post of yours really was great.)

    love this idea, can’t wait to come back and sift through everyone else’s links 🙂

  2. Looking back 10 years after the killing of Tyisha Miller

    Miller was killed by four police officers when she was 19 and after her cousins called 911 for medical assistance while she was locked in her aunt’s car.

    Unfortunately, the articles done in the daily press on the Miller anniversary attracted the usual disgusting, racist comments including some likely by some of “our finest”. A couple under one article definitely from one of “our finest” because this individual harassed me on my blog for two years, under assorted aliases so I recognize his writing style.

  3. What’s the value of a human life? discussing our human understanding of loss by comparing how the Obsidian Wings blogging community felt when Andy Olmsted, who was a front-page poster there as G’Kar, died in Iraq – that each of the more than a million killed in Iraq was as valued, as missed, as Andy was.

    “For each life lost in Iraq, people are feeling that grinding grief. For each one of a million lives, there are family and friends who are still trying to endure the loss, the grinding grief, the mourning.”

  4. A pair of posts about motherhood and sacrifice – first here and second one here. I’m proud of the writing and the thinking, and how much I learned from the response to the first post and then used in the second. This is the best

  5. “This year” for the Yes Means Yes Blog means about a month. But in that short time, we’ve had some memorable stuff. My absolute favorite is Stacey May Fowles’ “Up For It” (personal account – mild trigger warning). Lee Jacobs Riggs does some heavy-duty thinking about the Michigan 2L here. Lee’s response to “Up For It”, titled “easy”, is also a good read.

    I’ve also had a few things to say: “Goldthrowers”, a takedown of evo psych nonsense and how it uses leaps in logic and “just so stories” to justify patriarchal narratives when the “science”, to the extent there is any, justifies the opposite narrative; “If You Bring One He’ll Drink All Your Beer”, about binge drinking, sexuality, shame and repression; “When Was Your Real First Time?”, a question I asked after reading Hanne Blank’s “Process Oriented Virgin” in the book and which produced a fair amount of discussion; and“What To Tell The Next Generation”, which is an attempt at how to give kids a model so they can make their own decisions about sexuality and readiness when they are teens.

  6. Yes Means Yes Blog just started in late November, when the book hit the store shelves. However, in just over a month, my co-contributors have put up some stuff that is worth mentioning. My absolute favorite is Stacey May Fowles’s ”Up For It” (mild trigger warning) about how women who express their sexuality are involuntarily sexualized. Lee Jacobs-Riggs responded with her thoughts in a post titled ”easy”, which is definitely worth a read. Lee also wrote some heavy-duty thinking about Michigan 2l here.

    I’ve written quite a bit over there: “Goldthrowers” , a takedown of science reporting and evo psych that amounts to just-so stories justifying familiar patriarchal narratives; “If You Bring One He’ll Drink All Your Beer,” about binge drinking, sexuality, shame and repression; “When Was Your Real First Time” , a question I asked in response to Hanne Blank’s essay in the book, “Process-Oriented Virgin”, and which produced some discussion; and “What To Tell The Next Generation” , which attempts a model for teens to figure out their own sexual readiness.

  7. Wow, all order indeed.

    I really like my Mommy Wars Bingo game card.

    (I want to update one of the squares to specifically state parents with different sexual expression, not just include them under the umbrella of “not exactly like me”. But, someone converted this to pdf for me and I only have Acrobat Reader. If anyone can help, please contact me!)

    I also liked my In the round and then for real post about balancing mothering and medical school.

    I am sure I have posts I am proud of from earlier in the year, but I’ll stop at two.

  8. Well I am particularly proud of this piece, Freidmanite in name and practice wonders what’s wrong with the country, partly because I have a special hatred for Thomas “The World is Flat” Freidman.
    I’m also very proud of this installation (I had to do something with the snow), Fiscal Responsibility 2008, and this piece, On the Silent Wings of Freedom

    But my commentary on so-called “parental consent” laws may be my best blog piece this year. Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.

  9. Radfem, I regret to say that I had forgotten all about Miller–your piece is awesome and thanks so much for your work.

    Thank you, Daisy Deadhead. We had a memorial and vigil yesterday and both went very well. I saw people I hadn’t seen in years and Miller’s grandmother, uncle, father and cousins attended. The aunt who raised her died several years ago. People seemed enthusiastic to address some of the challenges ahead.

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